Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One, Two, Three, FOUR!

We officially have a four-year-old on our hands! Noah had a great birthday yesterday (Feb. 7). He was so excited about getting to wear his Spiderman shirt to school, getting an ice cream party at school and then celebrating with us at home last night. His teacher told me that on the way to the playground, Noah asked his friends to sing Happy Birthday to him . . . twice . . . while they walked down the hall!
We made blueberry muffins together for breakfast and then headed out the door. After work, Eric got assorted treats from our favorite cupcake place and I got Noah some character balloons -- Spiderman, Toy Story and Thomas. He asked for mac and cheese for dinner so that's what we had. We sang Happy Birthday and to our surprise, Brenton joined in. We had no idea he knew that song. It was very cute.
After cupcakes, we opened presents. Noah got a Buzz umbrella, Zurg toy, Buzz spaceship, Spiderman jammies, a Smokey painting (which I made) and UT Football guys. He played with the football guys most of the morning today and really likes playing his new "Rocky Top" game.

Happy Birthday, Noah! We love you!


  1. I'm glad he likes the football guys...not a day goes by Cooper doesn't play with his! Happy birthday to Noah!!!!!

  2. I know Noah Bear had a wonderful day!

  3. I know Noah Bear had a wonderful day!
