Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Preschool Christmas artwork by Noah and Brenton
I think if Noah and Eric had it their way, it would be Christmas all year round! We put decorations up the week of Thanksgiving and got our tree the first weekend in December. Noah loved all the decorations and was sad to see Eric take them down after the New Year.
We got to celebrate Christmas Eve with Gigi, Papa Dave, Alyssa, Jared and four doggies (Gabi, Pearl, Buddy and Maggie). We opened gifts that morning, put the boys down for a nap and then went to the Chidren's Christmas Eve service at our church. Both boys enjoyed the show, but Noah stood (and sometimes layed down on his belly) in the aisle so he could see and hear better. Since it was a children's service, it was loud and there were tons of families there which was GREAT for us. Noah enjoyed the theatrical part of the program the best and thought it was so cool to see an angel in the play.
Sweet Gabi sitting on Santa's lap. This was her 13th Christmas with us.
After the service we had dinner, put the boys in PJs, made hot chocolate and drove around different neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights.

Noah went right to bed and couldn't wait for Santa to get to our house. He kept telling us that Santa was going to tip toe into his room, put a Spiderman costume on him and give him magic. Since that would have been tricky for Santa to do, we helped Santa out and surprised Noah with Spiderman jammies on Christmas Eve. As you can tell by the picture, he loved them.
Finally, Christmas morning! Look, Santa and the reindeer ate their goodies! Santa also left a silver jingle bell (a la Polar Express style) on the stairs for the boys to find on their way downstairs Christmas morning
Opening stockings and checking out each other's goodies.

Here's Noah's beyond-happy-silly face thrilled that he got all three things on his list: Spiderman toy, Spiderman costume and Polar Express train set. He told everyone he could that Santa was for sure going to bring him these things. The kid's got confidence.
Brenton loved on his new Backyardigans friends all morning and carried them all around the house. The boys also got a mini trampoline.
After presents, Eric made a delicious breakfast -- cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs and Benton's bacon. It was fantastic!
Daddy and his boys.
I just love my little guys! Christmas just keeps getting better and better! We are so blessed. Of course, the pictures you don't see are the ones of the meltdowns that occured later that day due to no naps, too much sugar and present overload! Ah, the ups and downs of parenting :)

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