Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas with TWO boys!

Christmas with two boys was so much fun this year! Here's a glimpse of what we were up to:

Dec. 23 -- the boys got to celebrate Christmas a little early with Gigi, Papa Dave and Maggie.

Dec. 24 -- Here's Noah after we got home from the Christmas Eve children's service at church. He was mad at us because he didn't want to take a picture! He looked awfully cute in that sweater vest from Uncle Greg and Aunt Susan though! After a few photos, we made  hot chocolate, got in the car and drove around some local neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights.

'Lil Haag with Daddy Haag

Noah was finally coaxed into taking a picture when we said we could tackle each other! Boys will be boys right?

Dec. 25 - Christmas morning has finally arrived! By the way, those cute, oversized ornaments from Pottery Barn that Eric so creatively hung on the railing quickly became sports equipment for Noah to slap each trip up and down the stairs!

This moment, we'll never forget. After we came downstairs, Noah immediately saw that Santa had left a few cookie crumbs and didn't drink all of his milk, so Noah helped himself!

Since we didn't want the boys to see their Santa gifts before opening stockings in the den, we hung this quilt up to block their view.

Noah has always loved his miniature toy figures, so Santa left some Sesame Street and Super Why friends in his stocking.

Mommy insisted on the matching PJs :)

Noah's big gift was a train table, trains and tracks. He played there most of the day and loved saying, "Choo, choo!"

Brenton enjoyed his goodies too.

"Brenton's First Christmas" - super cute jammies from Gigi. Noah had a pair on his first Christmas too.

Dec. 26 - We drove to Hendersonville and the boys got to celebrate Christmas again at JenMommy's house!

We got to visit our great friends, the Leas, in Nashville. Noah and Emery always have fun and play really well together.

Thomas the Train PJ buddies

This was as close to a good picture with Santa we could get. Noah was pretty scared and had no desire to even sit next to him. He finally warmed up to him with the help of a sugar cookie.

Brenton's first picture with Santa at Smart Toys and Books -- best toy store around!
It was such a blessing to see friends and family during our brief trip to Hendersonville. It's never long enough though because we always feel like we're rushing from one place to the next. I guess that's how it is for everyone who is visiting out-of-town family! We really love being in Knoxville, but really wish we could see our family and friends more often.

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