Monday, June 21, 2010

Our Entertainment

Noah has really started turning into a showman, most recently putting on mini-concerts for us, singing his favorite songs and also acting out Sesame Street episodes with his many Sesame Street stuffed animals, especially Grover. He'll mimic what the characters are doing on TV and have his stuffed animals do the same. Since he's into "Super Grover" so much, almost everything in our house can be labeled as "Super ____", such as Super Soap, Super Crocs (shoes), Super Blankie, etc...Here is a brief snippet of him singing the "I Love You" song (from Barney) that I shot on my phone. We got a great 7 minutes worth of video from one of his recent concerts, and we'll try to post that one soon so that you can hear such classics as Rocky Top, Jesus Loves Me, and the Buzzing Bees song.


  1. Precious boy and precious shirt! =) Love hearing him sing!

  2. Love the video and the subject!! He' awesome, awesome, awesome...:)
