Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brenton....our shy guy?

The 3D/4D ultrasound was great yesterday. It's amazing how precise the technology in these ultrasound machines is...and we were able to see Brenton snoozing away. He was sucking his thumb, yawning, and moving around a little.

Based on the first 29 weeks of this pregnancy, we both think that Brenton is more laid back than Noah, and that proved true again yesterday. In Noah's 3D ultrasound (click to see pictures), he was a wiggle worm, and seemed to follow the camera around to make sure his face was front and center. This has definitely carried over, as he's still on full-throttle all day every day.

Brenton seems to be a little more reserved and shy to this point. He seemed to want to move away from the sound of the ultrasound and kept nuzzling away. We saw some great profile views, and they look a little bit like Noah's ultrasound pics. (It's amazing to us how much Noah's 3D ultrasound pictures look like him!)

It's going to be fun to see if Brenton's personality carries over into his "out of the womb" life too, as it has with Noah.

Here are two of the better pictures we got...sorry they aren't very clear, I took them on my phone.


sleepy boy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. baby boy Brenton is going to be another fine Haag!
    That's what Grandmommie Haag Said! Way to go!
