Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Foods, Bleu Cheese, and The Beatles

Noah has had a fun start to the fall season. Last weekend was especially entertaining (for him and us). Uncle Andrew and Cousin Thomas let us borrow their Playstation 3 game "Rock Band - The Beatles edition."

Noah had a blast playing the instruments, especially the drums.

Last week, he also tried bleu cheese dressing for the first time, on a celery stick...and while the celery stick remained in tact, he couldn't get enough of the bleu cheese. He gladly offered Gabi a bite or two also (on a different celery stick!!).

For whatever reason, it seemed like Noah tried a bunch of new foods last weekend. Since it was the weekend of the TN/Florida football game, we continued our annual tradition of getting some grilled/blackened Gator meat from a local Cajun restaurant. Noah tried it, and loved it. He also devoured his 1st peanut butter and jelly sandwich too.

We'd been trying to wait until he was two to give him peanut butter, to stick with what the pediatricians recommend and b/c one of our nephews has a severe peanut allergy...but we gave in. By giving in, I mean I accidentally let him have some peanut butter/chocolate Chex Mix a few weeks ago, and since he didn't have any kind of allergic reaction, we figured we'd just let him go ahead and tackle his 1st PB&J...Noah was glad we did! He'd had some Chick Fil-a chicken (peanut oil) and things like that before though, so there was probably nothing to worry about all along.

Speaking of chicken, Noah helped me eat a few boneless chicken wings while we watched the TN/Florida game. And I was really proud of him, b/c he actually watched a lot of the game, and he gets so excited when he sees "Foot - Baaaaaw" on tv...which happens all the time in our house this time of year.

Noah also loves (and loves is putting it mildly) our neighborhood kids! Zach and Matthew, or "the boys" as Noah calls them, love to come over and play ball with Noah. They are so good with him, and he loves to watch them play ball outside in the cul-de-sac.

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