Monday, March 9, 2009

Noah's 1st Basketball Game

We took Noah to his first TN basketball game yesterday. Although we lost to Alabama on a last second buzzer beater (67-70), Noah loved the game, and was very well behaved. We sat in our upper deck seats in the 1st half before moving down to the 1/2 empty student section behind the basketball goal in the 2nd half. We visited Uncle Drew and his friends in their seats before we moved to the lower section. Noah loved the big scoreboard and seemed to be following the players running to each end of the court. He was very wide-eyed during the starting lineup introductions, when the lights went off and fireworks shot in the air.

We were a little unsure of how he would do at the game, since his "clock" would be off due to daylight savings time. But even though he missed his morning nap altogether, he wasn't cranky or fussy at all, which was great!

Late in the 2nd half, he dozed off and missed the end of the game. He perked up immediately after the game though, and got his 1st picture made with Smokey on the court.

Fun day, even though we lost! He was exhausted last night and fell alseep about an hour earlier than normal, which due to the time change, was actually his "normal" bed time.

"That's a BIG tv!"

He looked like this for the first 30 minutes in the arena.

Nap time!

First Picture w/ Smokey

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to see pictures from Noah's first basketball game. It is no surprise that he was so good.
