Thursday, January 8, 2009


Well, Noah ended his 11 month birthday with an unfortunate slip in the tub last night just before bedtime. He hit his upper lip/gum area on the side of the tub as we were getting ready to lift him out. His little face turned completely red and for a good 20 seconds, he did the "silent cry" before wailing out loud.

His mouth was bloody, so we rushed to get him a cold washcloth and Tylenol drops, but all he wanted was his paci. We took the paci in and out so we could wipe the blood from his mouth. He bled for a while longer, but with a lot of cuddling and some silly songs from Elmo, he finally started to settle down. It was AWFUL to watch, hear and experience. After getting him into PJs, we took Noah downstairs to sip on some ice water (his favorite!). Eric said this was the first of many to come probably, but we are just so thankful that he didn't lose a tooth or split his lip completely open! Praise be to God!

This morning he was perfectly fine and his mouth wasn't swollen at all. His top-gum on the inside of his mouth has a small red blister but it didn't seem to be bothering him.

1 comment:

  1. Fenn did the same thing recently on a little wooden chair in his room. He had a red mark on his upper lip for a few days. Fenn misses seeing Noah at daycare in Knoxville. Hope y'all are doing well.
