Friday, October 3, 2008

Movin' On Up

Today is Noah's last 'official' day in the nursery room at PJCA. Starting Monday, he will move up to the "creepers" room, where the babies range from about 8 months to 1year or older. We have loved his teachers in the nursery class, and Tyra has especially bonded with them from going to see Noah every day on her lunch break.

Noah looking shocked that he has to move classes! (With teachers Kim and Alyssa)

Noah has been staying the creepers room almost exclusively for the past few weeks, since he's become much too mobile for the nursery room, but Monday, he'll be in there exclusively. One thing we've noticed so far, Noah's naps (quality and length) have improved since he started going in there, I think b/c they have a set "nap time" and he can see that the others are napping too, and b/c he's so worn out from playing with friends/toys and crawling around, that he seems to be ready to nap.

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