Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Catching Up

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Speaking on Noah's behalf, we're bummed out today about the Vols' loss last night against UCLA. Let's see, what else has been going on??....Well Noah has been battling a cold that he can't seem to kick all the way. He's coughing a little bit still, but the fever that he had late last week is gone, thank goodness. It's no fun when your child gets sick. His sleeping patterns have also been out of sorts lately, which has provided for some tiring nights of waking up in the middle of the night again. I think it started when he was stuffed up and congested and a new habit developed. His eating (solid foods) also got a little messed up b/c of his cold, so we're trying to get back on track. Speaking of "stuffed up"...he's also had 2 bouts with constipation in the past few weeks...which is no fun, although his red-faced grunting is a little funny. What's not so funny is when Noah decided to become "un-stopped up" in the car while we were out doing errands on Saturday. Picture it...it's not pretty (forgive the graphic description):

Lowe's parking lot
+ hot/humid weather
+ poop all over legs, car seat, clothes
+ poop (somehow) getting on Daddy's nose

We were cracking up the whole time, so at least we got a laugh out of it, as I'm sure the other people in the parking lot did. Good times!! :)

Noah is really on the verge of crawling and has started saying the "Guh, guh" sounds a lot, so maybe his first word is right around the corner. We're predicting "Gabi" b/c we say it all the time. I joke that his first words will be "hurry up Gabi" since I say that all the time when Noah and I take Gabi out for walks.

We can't believe Noah will turn 7 months old this coming Sunday...we'll get the video up soon after that. Until then, please pray for sleep-filled, restful nights for Noah (and us)and for Noah's cold to go bye-bye.

Here are a few pictures and comments from the past few weeks:
Guitar lessons with Cousin Thomas

With JenMommy, Momette, and meeting great-Aunt Susan for the first time:

Noah and his football strolling around Opryland Hotel

Noah with Aunt Holly, and cousins Aidan and Dylan

Cuddling with Uncle Lakon

Kisses from Aunt Alyssa

Meeting my new friend Emery

Hangin' with my new friend Ella Blaire at AOPi's Bid Day

Doing laundry with Mommy

Let's Play Gabi!

Look at all this orange!

Ready for a win against UCLA! (The team didn't get the memo!)

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