Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some video snippets

I took these on my cell phone last night, so the quality isn't great. He was jibber-jabbering away last night and I had to capture it. On a side note, last night (4/9) was the first time Noah slept 8 hours straight through the night. He woke up once or twice and made a few peeps, but was able to soothe himself back to sleep pretty quickly without us going to pick him up. He's been a really good sleept so far, but last night was great with him sleeping 8 hours straight! It was the first time Tyra was able to stay in bed all night since he was born, so that was a treat too. Anyway, here are the videos:


This one is funny....he's been working hard the past few days to lift himself up on his legs while we're holding him on the couch. He'll be up against our stomachs while we're sitting down, then take his hands, grab our shirts, and pull himself up. His legs are really strong for a 9-week old, I think, so I put him down on the floor to see what he did...and sure enough....I know we're a long ways off from walking, but this was funny! He was looking up at me with the biggest smile while he was doing it too! Just awesome!

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