Friday, August 10, 2007

Fun Week

It's been a fun and eventful week. Last Thursday-Saturday, Tyra and I visited Orlando for a conference she attended for work. It was nice to get to see her Mom while we were there. Then, this week, our friends had their baby girl, Addison Margaret! She's so cute, and we got to see and hold her in the hospital the day she was born.

Also, our baby furniture arrived much sooner than we expected! We orderd it from Crib 'N Carriage, a great baby store in Knoxville. Our crib was supposed to come in mid-August, and the other pieces, they said, wouldn't arrive until sometime in October. So, although it was unexpected, we're glad to have all of the baby furniture in the room and set-up! I (Eric) styed up until after midnight last night putting the crib together, but it was fun to do. We'll post some pictures of the room on here soon.

We go back to get another ultrasound next week, so we can't wait to see how much our baby boy has grown. Tyra has been feeling his little flutters for the past few weeks, and it's so exciting to know that in just a short time, those flutters will be kicks, jabs, and karate chops in the womb!

1 comment:

  1. It was such a treat to have my munchkins here, at the same time. I'm glad you had a good time, too. You know, "little horace irving" will arrive singing tunes from "Chicago"...the Capone influence....:) :)
