Monday, July 9, 2007

Mr. Sandman...Bring Me A Dream....

(Posted by Tyra)

So I don't know exactly why, but my recent pregnancy dreams have involved celebrities.

Celebrity Dream #1: It all started when Mandy Moore and I went to a play together. At intermission the director came up to me and said I've got to fill in for one of his actors. Since Mandy and I were BFF's (best friends) in the dream, she of course encouraged me to do so.

Celebrity Dream #2: If only the following had been true...I flew on a luxury jet to France to have dinner with the one and only Julie Andrews. She wasn't dressed in normal clothes, but rather a royal ensemble like the one she wore for her character in the "Princess Diaries" -- white dress, red sash and of course a beautiful crown. The table we dined at was a long rectangular one and there were butlers to serve our meal.

Celebrity Dream #3: Peyton Manning, his wife Ashley, Eric and me were all crusing the "strip" in Knoxville trying to find a place to get our party on.
Although Peyton's wife was 6 weeks preggo and I was 10, the boys wanted to find a place to celebrate what they'd done to their wives. It was not the strip as we know it today, but rather a cleaner-looking futuristic strip with neon lights. The only weird part of the dream was that Peyton and I were holding hands, but Ashley and Eric didn't seem to mind one bit.

Celebrity Dream #4: This one has been the most difficult to recall for some reason, but Jessica Simpson, Eric and me were in a skybox somewhere waiting for her to perform on stage. She didn't look like the normal blonde bombshell all men seem to salivate over. She had put on weight, dyed her hair black and didn't take the time to blow it dry, so it was a complete mess of frizzy hair (much like what mine looks like when I fail to do the
same!) She wasn't wearing much makeup and kept going to buffet of food to get snacks.


  1. Hahaha! Hilarious!

  2. are you sure the chubby Jessical Simpson wasn't Britney Spears?!!!
