Friday, June 29, 2007
(Not So) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Here are some pictures of the rearranging we've been doing. I (Eric) painted the baby room this week. Since I repainted it the same color, it was light work. However, I did make it semi-fun by decking out in my "painters uniform" of ROOKIE DAD hat and t-shirt (compliments of Adam & Elizabeth)and knee high orange and white tube socks. The guest bedroom is now in the old office, and we actually like it better that way! Tomorrow we're hoping to go browse through Crib 'N Carriage, a Knoxville baby store that specializes in nice baby furniture. After last weekend's two hour romp through Babies "R" Us, I'm geared up!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Another book down
Both of us read this book in less than 2 hours! It's hilarious to say the least, and its short, 2-3 page chapters were right up my ally! Thanks to Jesse and Kelley for letting us borrow it!
Lunchmaking Loonies
As I went to the kitchen pantry to reach for some peanut butter for a before-bed snack, I thought to myself, "I should make Eric's lunch for tomorrow." Since I've been hitting the sack around 9 p.m., my evening lunchmaking routine has been a bit interrupted. Making lunch for my husband everyday is a little June Cleaver, but it's the least I can do since I don't believe in ironing (or for that matter, feeling responsible for 100% of household chores.)
I looked in the fridge and thought, turkey or bologna? I went with bologna.
So I also grabbed a slice of cheese and the upside down squeezable mayo.
For those of you who don't know, I can't stand mayonnaise. I liked it when I was a little girl and would make cheese and mayo sandwiches at my grandmother's house all the time, but something turned my "mayo" switch off as a teenager and now I can't stand it....or so I thought.
I unwrapped the cheese, put the bologna on top, grabbed a slice of bread and squeezed the mayo out. Even though the squeezable bottle had a nice slit perfect for sandwich making, it wasn't enough to satisfy my Type A personality, so I had to grab a knife to spread the mayo perfectly on what was sure to be the best bologna and cheese sandwich my husband had ever had.
But then, something strange happened. As I was spreading the mayo, I started to long for the taste of it. I thought, this is hate mayo. I topped off the sandwich with the newly mayonnaised piece of bread and just stared at the glorious sandwhich I'd just made. Then, it dawned on me--why not take a bite of this magnificent creation? I mean, I'd just spent the time making it and I knew Eric wouldn't mind one bite missing of his sandwich anyway. So, I did. And it was amazing. And then, I took another. Pretty soon, I found myself wanting to finish off the entire thing.
Then I realized, that if I ate the precious bologna, cheese and mayo sandwich, I'd have to make another one, something that would delay my date with my pillow. I also remembered why I went to the pantry in the first place--to eat a tablespoon of peanut butter to hopefully relieve my 4 am wake up calls feeling starved to death. I also remembered reading an important little tidbit about cold cuts carrying a nasty little thing called listeria and how dangerous it can be for pregnant women to consume. I sadly put the two-bite missing, listeria-laden sandwich in a ziplock bag. I put Eric's lunch in the fridge and looked unhappily at the peanut butter I was about to consume. It was no substitute for a bologna, cheese and mayo sandwich though.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
It's Official...
After the past few weeks of expanding my knowledge on all things related to pregnancy and birth......Women are far superior to men when it comes to pain tolerance and overall macho-ness! And I am a wimp! That is all!
Eric (co-signed by all fathers and expectant fathers)
Friday, June 15, 2007
First Ultrasound
We went for the first ultrasound yesterday. What an exciting moment to see and hear our little baby's heartbeat for the very first time!! It became more "real." In the picture, the baby is the little white speck inside the black area. Tyra is exactly 7 weeks along, and the due date is still February 1, 2008.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Think we're anal?
Since it's summer, and all of our TV shows have gone into hibernation, we've got plenty of time on our hands after work. So, leave it to us to get into "re-arranging furniture" mode for the baby. The baby's room (formerly the guest bedroom) is now empty, the guest bedroom is now all set-up in the former office, and the office has shifted downstairs to the living room (which surprisingly, doesn't look half-bad). Tyra did a great job of coaching me on where to move the furniture, while I made sure to work up a sweat right before bedtime.
Even Tyra commented that she was "surprised we were so ahead of schedule."
I just figured it was better to get it done now than wait until football season, when the weekends are, shall we say, a wee bit pre-occupied!
Nevertheless, we may have taken our anal, organized behavior to another extreme.
Even Tyra commented that she was "surprised we were so ahead of schedule."
I just figured it was better to get it done now than wait until football season, when the weekends are, shall we say, a wee bit pre-occupied!
Nevertheless, we may have taken our anal, organized behavior to another extreme.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Pregnancy Increases Book Reading by 1,000%
I had never read an entire book in 4 days...until I found out we were having a baby! Who knew that birthing facts, details of morning sickness, and hormal changes could be so interesting!?
So far, here are the books we've started and/or finished: